Sunday, 17 October 2010

Gujarat Vidyapith

Exhibition within Gujarat Vidyapith
Finishing touches...
Warli art work

 Ok, so Gujarat Vidyapith is a university in Ahmedabad which we had a tour of during Navratri. It was founded by Mahatma Gandhi with the intention that the institution would build characters that would aid the process of regenerating the country " in accordance with the ideals given by Mahatma Gandhi."
Two students from the university, Mustukhanbhai and Santhuben, gave us a tour of the Vidyapith. As part of both of their courses they are directly involved with the practical side of social studies through their work with Manav Sadhna. How brilliant is that?!
Within the university grounds is the Tribal Research and Training Institute, of which I have taken some photos. There they had life-size depictions of the different Gujarati tribes, which showed their different attributes and specialties, their appearances, features, the tools they used etc. One of the things I learned that was really surprising was about the Siddi tribe. Their ancestors actually came from Africa to India where most were used as fighters (them being so strong) and the others settled as labourers; there to be integrated into Gujarat!